Rise Above the Stress: CBD Can Help

Potential benefits of CBD make it worth considering if you’re looking for an effective way to improve your mood, energy, and focus.
By Procana Wellness

Let’s face it. The struggle is real. We all suffer from stress one way or another. Whether you are an exhausted parent, or running late for work, or even just stuck in traffic, you feel the anxiousness begin to grow. No matter what the situation is, stress is not an exception, it’s the norm most days. However, when stress takes a toll on your body, it can decrease your ability to fight off something as simple as the common cold, or it might stop you from being able to get a good night’s rest. It can affect your immunity, mental health, digestive system, sleep patterns, etc. Now thanks to modern science, there are new and innovative ways to manage stress. Let’s explore how.

In order to mitigate stress, let’s talk about ways to manage stressors. It’s common knowledge that daily exercise, meditation, a balanced diet, or even spending time with your pet can help you relax. Stress-relieving activities are overall beneficial. Additionally, new discoveries in supplements such as the therapeutic properties of CBD can boost your relaxation and may help reduce stress in a natural way. There are various convenient ways to include CBD as a part of your daily routine. Thankfully, CBD and stress relief are closely linked— CBD is an effective way to complement these other activities while preventing stress from ruining your day on the molecular level.

CBD has been in demand recently, mainly for its use in the treatment of stress-related conditions. These potential benefits of CBD make it worth considering if you’re looking for an effective way to improve your mood, energy, and focus.

What is stress?

Stress is defined as, “a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances.” It is an exertion on our mind or body that manifests as physical or mental exhaustion. If left unmanaged, stress has been known to be the cause of many health-related issues. Increasing heart rate, rapid breathing, sweating, fear, and exhaustion are all signs of excessive stress. There are several illnesses associated with prolonged and excessive exposure to environmental and emotional stressors. These conditions include:

  • Panic Attacks
  • Phobias
  • Difficulty Sleeping
  • Elevated Blood Pressure
  • Digestive Problems
  • Immune Deficiency Issues
  • Memory Impairment
  • Skin Conditions

 How does CBD help with stress?

The most commonly known oils extracted from the cannabis plant are CBD and THC. The hemp plant is in the cannabis family however it contains little to no THC, which is the psychoactive compound that makes you feel “high”. In fact, CBD is extracted from hemp plants primarily because they contain less than 0.3% THC, and therefore does not have a euphoric side effect.

CBD oil may help relieve symptoms caused by restlessness, stress, and pain by working with the body’s natural endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system controls our body’s primary functions in our central nervous system to maintain our body in homeostasis. CBD engages our body to create an enzyme that allows increased production of our body’s natural stimulant, anandamide, by binding with the CB1 and CB2 receptors in the brain and central nervous system. This works two-fold, first, it creates a calming sensation by removing excessive tiredness, and secondly, it inactivates our “fight or flight” response because it provides the brain fuel to regain focus and clarity.

Exactly how CBD helps in reducing stress correlates to CBD’s interaction with serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter found in the brain that helps keep your emotions in control. Low levels can trigger that “overwhelming” and “down” feeling. People who experience this are usually producing low levels of serotonin at that moment in time. As a result, they may have unbalanced emotions and mood swings.

Drugs, such as antidepressants, work by altering serotonin levels. CBD might work similarly to some antidepressants and can be a wonderful, organic alternative. Raising serotonin levels can help in the treatment of low energy and stress management. CBD may naturally level out serotonin by directly acting on the serotonin receptors in the brain, which in turn may reduce stress and increase your focus.

How to use CBD oil for stress

The amount of CBD that is effective varies individually. To take the proper dose of CBD, consider your body weight, metabolism, tolerance, and sensitivity. Pay attention to how you feel to see if you’re getting an effective dose of CBD. When it comes to milligrams of CBD, start low and go slow. Notice how a single daily dose impacts your symptoms. Then, increase dosage until you notice the desired effect.

As the effects of CBD aren’t often quick, you’ll want to continue using it for a few weeks before changing your dosage. If you’re still not feeling the effects of CBD after a while, consider increasing your dosage. Keep doing this until you find the dose that is right for you.

Are there any side effects to using CBD oil?

CBD is usually well tolerated. However, everyone is different. Remember to start off with a small dose to get familiar with CBD and how it affects you. Side effects are uncommon but here are the ones that have been reported: 

  • Drowsiness
  • Dry Mouth
  • Gastrointestinal Issues
  • Change in Appetite

Although the above-mentioned are mostly mild cases, this is what you should do. Scale back your dose by 1/2. Some people are very sensitive to CBD and only need 1/3 or 1/2 of the average dose. Reduce your intake until you find the right balance for you. Always be careful with interactions if you are taking other medications.


It is estimated that one-third of Americans actively use CBD. Ongoing research is being conducted to understand all the therapeutic benefits CBD has on our health. Consider adding CBD to your daily regimen and see how it might help you. Remember to consult your healthcare provider when starting CBD for a health-related condition.

Before you go

Interested in learning more about CBD?